「1st Asian Association of School of Pharmacy (AASP) Young Scientist Conference」にて研究発表
一丸ファルコス株式会社は、2020年12月11日(金)~13日(日)の3日間、オンライン開催される「第1回 アジア薬科大学協議会主催 若手研究者のための研究発表会(1st Asian Association of School of Pharmacy (AASP) Young Scientist Conference)」において、下記の研究成果を日本薬科大と共同発表いたします。
「Establishment of method for measuring α-MSH(1–8) activation after UV-irradiation by in vitro」
(紫外線照射後のα-MSH(1-8)活性化のin vitro測定法の確立)
Hiroyuki Yamamoto1, Kazuaki Iguchi2, Kiyotaka Tanaka3, Arunasiri Iddamalgoda3
1. Department of Microbiology and Molecular Cell Biology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nihon Pharmaceutical University
2. Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka
3. Department of Research and Development, Ichimaru Pharcos Co., Ltd.
The production of melanin is regulated by bioactive components, such as α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) which is a peptide hormone produced from proopiomelanocortin (POMC). Keratinocytes secrete POMC, while scarcely producing α-MSH. We demonstrated the production of α-MSH(1–8) from POMC by protease, which may play an important role in the pigmentation of the skin after UV-irradiation. This activation mechanism is a target to prevent the aging spot. We established the method of measuring the α-MSH(1–8) activation from POMC in vitro to screen for inhibitors.